Motte’s Kitchen is a personalized meal prep and food delivery busniess located in Fort Worth, Texas. We serve up the good home cooked meals to your door. We live in the age where we are so busy with life, but we shouldn’t be too busy to get a Southern Home Cooked meal. Joshua is the head Chef and Owner of Motte’s Kitchen. He is very personable and puts that extra LOVE into each meal. One of the favorite meals that Joshua prepares is his Salmon and Rice dish. It’s savory and healthy at the same time.

Motte’s Ktichen also provides a catering service as well. We also offer homemade sock it to me cakes made from the freshest ingredients.

Let us help you with your next event! Whether you are at home or at work, we’ve got you covered. Review the menu offerings on our Menu page to help in your selection, we can help assist you in customizing your event.

Full service catering includes:
• food preparation
• serving
• cleanup

Hours of Operation

Delivery Only – Phone: 818-291-3932
Mon – Wed 8:00am – 7:00pm | Thurs – Sat 8:00am – 7:00pm | “Call for Appt”- Sunday